Saturday, 10 October 2015

10th Oct 2015 : HDU Ward 12

It's now Saturday but with everything that has happened and probably the lack of sleep it's not easy to work out what day it is, but what makes it obvious that it's a Saturday is the obvious lack of Doctor's about the place.

Evan has been doing remarkably well, he's now off his intravenous morphine and has an oral back up if needed. He has had a 24 hour cardiac tape on, which will go to the Cardiac Investigation's team on Monday and from that they'll assess if he needs a pacemaker or not.

Part of me hopes not as it would involve  another operation but part thinks it would be better to get it done now if he needs it rather than coming back in a few months time.

We called home from the ward today and let Freya speak to Evan, which resulted in him turning his back to the phone and his lip going down, its amazing how close the two of them are, considering she only saw him 6-7 times for the 1st year.

All quite on the ward tonight.

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